Praise & Prayer

Robert & Susan - March 2022

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: B is staying connected with his church on the street and seeking to give spiritual direction and support to his children. Y was deported to Moldova a year ago and is actively working with the pastor of the church he is attending to assist refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. Susan’s Mom is settled into her apartment. PRAY: J is struggling to understand how his offense against his family has hurt them; he wants it quickly resolved and does not understand this will not happen easily. B has a parole hearing in a week; pray that his faith will grow whether parole is granted or denied. Men are battling discouragement with overall uncertainty that Covid has placed on their correctional plans.

Gord & Heather - March 2022

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY:  Please continue to pray or Indy’s recovery from a serious case of COVID-19 and for his safe return to Canada. Praise! Water continues to flow at the prayer centre in the arid Maasai district of Kenya. They are over the moon about it! Imagine, a prayer centre called “the well”, now has water! Still looking for worship space for a new Persian church plant in Ottawa.

Charlotte Martin - March 2022

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: The borders for our Desert Rain mission trip are opened and the borders for our Vietnam mission are opening this month. We have just under 40 students accepted for 2022 mission trips. We have a new staff member who just finished his fundraising and will leave this month to join our team working in Desert Rain. PRAY: We need more students to sign up for our mission trip in Guelph that will be reaching out to international students. We are on a tight timeline this year as mission trips start in less than 2 months. In the next two months students need to start and finish raising funds, flights need to be booked, and the rest of the logistics and training need to be confirmed. This month we start setting goals and making plans for the next ministry year.

Ray & Carol - March 2022

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry) PRAISE: We're thankful that Carol is progressing from her appendectomy and fall- albeit slowly. Committing To Faithful Men is set for March 26 and it looks as though we will have the 'all clear' for all of the summer events, Lord willing! Praise for another winter of ministry and safety in travel. PRAY: For Carol's continued progress and recovery; this has been, and is, a long hard struggle for her. Please pray much for all the Christian camps this summer. We have all lost a lot of ground over the past two year, not just financially but with the continuity of workers and campers. Please pray for Committing To Faithful Men planned for March 26. This time we are concentrating on developing preachers and teachers! There is a real need for young men to begin to get into the pulpit ministry in their own assembly and in others. Besides all the Sunday ministry and other opportunities to serve the Lord, I seem to have an increasing list of men who want individual help. I am happy with this, of course, but it can be a bit tiring.

Les & Sharon - March 2022

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE:  Sharon and I are thankful for the financial and prayer support we receive and continue to minister as the Lord gives open doors.  PRAY:  For the online Spanish students Les coaches. For the Pastoral care team we are on at WBC. The seniors group every other Wednesday. Marriage mentor expansion at WBC. Our daughter Elena raising four children as a single mom while working full time at Emmaus International.