Praise & Prayer

Robert & Susan - January 2022

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: “S” doing well, employed and slowly reconnecting with family, especially his mom. “M” completed his program in Ottawa ..transferring to Windsor halfway house. “L” back into his Bible and his study is bringing him joy. Bible study Monday afternoons with guys from the halfway house, using Survey Basic Christianity. PRAY: “B” is back inside. “K” still has not heard from his son…was recently denied parole. “J” lifer, not doing well at present. Lockdowns at present …no chaplains or volunteers so no chapel services or programs. Pray this would soon pass and we would have access again.

Gord & Heather - January 2022

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries) PRAISE/PRAY: Please continue to pray for Indy. He has been quite sick. Pray for his health, safety and return to Canada. I am working with a church that is navigating serious challenges. Pray for us. Pray for a group of Persians in Ottawa who are looking for worship space. In 2017 a brother from India visited our office. Last month he wrote to say, “I met you a couple of years ago in your office in Canada. Your discussion has helped me to strengthen the leadership within the assemblies. We are 96 assemblies as together we have registered a Trust (organization) to oversee and administer the church affairs. Thank you for your input.” I had an excellent visit with him on Zoom, to encourage and support him.

Charlotte Martin - January 2022

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: I finished the seminary class I was taking on Dec 10th and I was happy with my final grade in the class. I had a nice time with my family over the Christmas break and a chance to recharge. I'm feeling organized and motivated starting into 2022. 38 students are in the process of applying for 2022 mission trips. PRAY: Continue to pray that we could have in-person 2022 mission trips (3 international and 3 national). Pray that the three international destinations would be open for us to come and pray that the current covid situation wouldn't keep students from applying for trips. We had to postpone a January care trip to East Asia. Pray that our team in East Asia would stay healthy and encouraged, and pray that the opportunity to send a care trip in Feb or March would be viable.

Ray & Carol - January 2022

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry) PRAISE: Thanks for a great year of ministry, the Lord's provision, safety in travel and freedom from serious illness - for both Carol and I! Praise too for being able to hold Family Camps and various other events at ending with a very enjoyable Carol Service. PRAY: That the very Life of the Lord may be lived in and through us in whatever He allows to come our way. Please pray that the Lord would lead, guide and produce a fruit for his glory through our lives. Pray that the work at will be able to proceed unhindered. Pray that the Lord will open many doors to share the gospel in this coming year!

Les & Sharon - January 2022

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church) PRAISE: We thank the Lord for His supply both financially and physically. Our health is great and we rejoice in being able to connect with family, one in-person and others by internet. Les enjoyed playing carols this past month four times in spite of one cancellation. PRAY: Les has five online Spanish students and has interesting interactions. Several are saved and others searching. Pray for wisdom! Pray for the 14 marriage mentoring pairs at WBC that meet regularly. Pray for our Pastoral Care Team at WBC as we try to care for people in need in the middle of these restrictions.