Praise & Prayer

Esther Frey - November 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Our dear Father took care of me last week of October as I spent three days in the hospital with a cellulitis infection and also a hernia problem. With lots of antibiotics I feel much better. Still have a few days of antibiotics, then my doctor wants to consult a surgeon as to further intervention. A church wants to send a few young people to help me clean out my office. A tremendous project initiated by my family doctor. My Christian family has been so helpful, prayer, staying with me in the hospital, cleaning at my home, bringing meals. All of you are included in the prayer support. Thanks. Our seniors enjoyed a wonderful time with my doctor and her husband thinking of needs as we grow older and being reminded of Caleb's strong desire to serve at age 85. PRAY: Some of us are taking a workshop on preparing a Christmas special for children. We will have an early morning Thanksgiving service sharing testimonies followed by breakfast. A temporary date, Nov 27, has been set to choose a new camp committee. All the past members have retired. Office cleanup. Puerto Rico mail is still being sent to the States before being delivered here.

Raul & Jessenia - November 2021

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: Our youth went to camp! The speaker made an impact on many of our youth leaders who went as councilors and they came back encouraged to serve God even more. Recently a young couple has joined us on youth leadership and they bring with them fresh energy and ideas which is great! Our church went on an outing to the countryside and had a great time together. PRAY: For the youth: many have not been coming out recently. For preparations for Christmas at the school which we will begin next month.

Jenn Brubacher - November 2021

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: All of our programs are up and running! It’s been a gift to provide places where students can belong, become and believe. This season on the Work Friends podcast we’re highlighting the ministries and stories of YFC staff from across Canada; it continues to be a place of challenge and encouragement for people of all walks of life. I’m really thankful for the training I received as I completed a leadership course. PRAY: I have an opportunity to coach the senior girls’ volleyball team later this year for the first time since the pandemic started. Please pray for the screening process and for God’s wisdom, discernment and guidance as I walk with this team. In July at our daytime drop-in camp, several students made the decision to follow Jesus! Please pray for us as we walk with these students.

Trevor & Hannah - October 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For a big Discipleship Resources Project that Trevor led, that has been completed. It is now on our P2C-students website and we pray that it will be useful for staff, students and others in making disciples. For real good turnouts to September launch events at U of Waterloo. There were 70 first year students at a rainy outdoor event!! Students are craving in-person community! PRAY: For Hannah as she is now in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy. We had a retreat for Guelph/Laurier/UW & Conestoga students October 2 at Conestoga Bible Camp with about 130 students. Please pray for students to apply what they learned to grow deeper in their faith and share Christ with others.

Russ & Meredith - October 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: Russ got to share his testimony and the gospel with N, a Muslim friend. Heath's health is much better and he's full of 5-year old energy. Some travel restrictions have eased. PRAY: For healing, restoration and for wisdom as we work with various professionals to discern next steps with Meredith's health as she is still struggling with her immune system after her second covid shot two months ago. For effective collaboration with our teams building digital platforms for Bible translation, missions information and poverty alleviation through our Indigitous Hackathon, happening 15-17 and 22-24 with 1500+ participants in 60 cities. For opportunities to share Christ with friends (N, F, N, Q) in our apartment complex.