Praise & Prayer

Trevor & Hannah - September 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For one of Hannah's Disciples, named Meredith, who was baptized on August 22. For some relief from Hannah's constant pregnancy sickness after she has received some medication, which is helping. PRAY: For navigating COVID restrictions as we enter into a new school year of ministry. For wisdom and discernment in prioritization as there are many ministry opportunities for both Trevor & Hannah.

Russ & Meredith - September 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change/Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: Heath successfully started school and we are seeing stabilization in his skin and allergy issues. God's faithful provision of our financial support. Russ' digital audit was well received by our local church leadership team. PRAY: For all the details, especially event promotion, of our Indigitous Hackathon, happening in October, pray for 1,500 participants to register. For opportunities to share Christ with friends (N, F, N, Q) in our apartment complex. For the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and travel to resume.

Gord & Heather - September 2021

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries) PRAISE/PRAY: Doug Loveday and myself are preparing to go to Kenya for the 10 year anniversary of vision ministries Kenya, October 5th. Please pray for good preparation for us and them on their side. Indy, still in Burma, pray for his health and safety. A new Persian church is bubbling up in Ottawa, praise God! And pray for Omid, guidance and courage in everything.

Charlotte Martin - September 2021

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: Our East Asia team arrived in Thailand and will be done their quarantine by September 4. My team had a fun and productive "virtual huddle" August 25-27. 190 students attended our Launch and Lounge connection event August 29. PRAY: For 700 first year students to get involved with P2C this year. For our team in Thailand as they settle into a new country, get used to their new team, and prepare to start ministry with Thai students at the end of September. For our team in Desert Rain as they start a new school year. Pray that God would put them in contact with spiritually interested students. That we would be able to run mission trips in 2022 and that the Lord would show us what opportunities and partnerships in missions to pursue.

Ray & Carol - September 2021

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry) PRAISE: Really enjoyed being back at Wallenstein and so good to see some of my church family. My diary is full up to Christmas so it will be a while before I can get back again, however, I keep in touch by enjoying the Zoom prayer meeting with Paul Hoffman's group. We had a very enjoyable visit from Lilly on behalf of the Sunshine Committee - thank you so much! Praise that my sister's cancer in her back is now diagnosed as arthritis! She does still have cancer in two other places though. Praise too for weeks of youth and family camps at Guelph with no problems with Covid. PRAY: Carol continues to deal with various health problems which makes life very difficult for her at times. I am now 80 years old with a full speaking schedule and various other opportunities to serve the Lord. I really would appreciate prayer for health, strength, safety in travel and guidance from the Lord until He comes or calls.