Praise & Prayer

Les & Sharon - September 2021

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church) PRAISE: Good online Spanish course students. One 14 year old - Aaron from Zaragoza, Spain. What a God-ordained contact. Good seniors group meeting twice a month. Ministry opportunities keep opening up. PRAY: Les speaks 6 messages at Guelph Seniors “Young at Heart” retreat September 20-23. Wisdom to answer online Spanish course students. Marriage mentoring ministry. We mentor three couples at present.

Esther Frey - September 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Yolanda's battle with cancer is over. She has been enjoying heaven since August 25. A student was so pleased with his studies of the four gospels that he couldn't thank us enough. Marta is adjusting to living in South Carolina. Our seniors enjoy being together once a month. PRAY: Postal problems have caused difficulties in students receiving their packages. Schools are open to students. Brian will come to PR for an interview at a Christian school September 22. Some chaplains have been given the opportunity to return to prisons.

Raul & Jessenia - September 2021

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: The school renovation project keeps going strong, and the end feels like it is in sight, though little things keep popping up. We have had some Ecuadorians become interested in the project and want to help a bit financially which is encouraging as most of our help has always come from out of country. Some opportunities for possible Bible studies have arisen which is always exciting. PRAY: For continued strength and wisdom for Raúl as he is part of making decisions with the Fresh Start renovation project at the school. That these possible studies would become a reality. That Tiago would be growing healthy and strong.

Phil & Andrea - September 2021

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: That Cara had a good end to her semester. For wisdom provided for Phil & colleagues through the budget process for next year. For continued ability to connect via Zoom with colleagues around the world. PRAY: For Liam starting his last year of university, some in class, some online. For Cara starting her co-op job as a student therapist in London ON. That we will have wisdom as we make decisions about possible international travel. For a new family who arrived in the Middle East this week to start their Arabic language learning.

Trevor & Hannah - September 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For one of Hannah's Disciples, named Meredith, who was baptized on August 22. For some relief from Hannah's constant pregnancy sickness after she has received some medication, which is helping. PRAY: For navigating COVID restrictions as we enter into a new school year of ministry. For wisdom and discernment in prioritization as there are many ministry opportunities for both Trevor & Hannah.