Praise & Prayer

Charlotte Martin - April 2021

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: Students are signing up for the Digital Mission Trip happening in May and we have a strong staff team in place to run the mission trip. PRAY: Pray that we would see 30 students participate in the digital mission trip (27 students are currently applying). Pray that the digital mission trip would grow students' heart for the world and that we would know how to effectively minister digitally. Pray for the global missions team as we make plans for next year.

Les & Sharon - April 2021

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church) PRAISE: The WBC marriage mentoring training was done online and ministry launched. Les finished the Billy Graham online coaching course training. PRAY: For the 15 pairs of marriage mentoring couples (we have two) as we connect. For Les as he begins the Billy Graham ministry, for wisdom in answering questions. For pastoral team ministry and Spanish contacts which are ongoing.

Esther Frey - April 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: We had an ideal night for the film OVERCOMER considering that most days that week were rainy towards evenings. Had a reasonably good audience. Our God is in control! I've done as much as I can on my taxes, now waiting for some help. Seven students received their final diplomas representing 90 courses done. Our numbers have decreased but we continue to correct an average of 125 exams a month. Our congregation has received a large donation to repair the bathrooms on the main floor. We are so blessed. Now the company who would do the job has been contacted. PRAY: For wisdom in summer activities such as DVBS and camp. Brian's desire to return to Puerto Rico. A music teacher in Brian's expertise is retiring in May and Brian has applied for that job. If this is God's will, it will happen. I have several medical appointments this month. May we have quick action from the company who will be working on the bathroom repairs.

Jenn Brubacher - April 2021

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: The intensity and frequency of my headaches/ migraines have decreased. Another full month of in-person ministry! I’m really thankful for conversations with S, a high school student who is starting to open up about difficult things she’s experiencing. My coworker and I had a fantastic conversation with the YFC National Director on the YFC Work Friends podcast. PRAY: That our virtual fundraising event (April 9th) will go well. For C and S, two young students at our drop-in centre who desperately need God’s healing, grace and love. For our staff and drop-in team-- we need God’s wisdom in every conversation.

Phil & Andrea - April 2021

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For healing for Kieran's ankle. For providing co-op jobs for Liam and Cara. For keeping each of our family safe and healthy. For the many ways we see him at work in our lives and in those that we engage with. For the continued stream of enquirers considering service in the Middle East. PRAY: That we will continue to be intentional to look for those many ways that God is at work and give him the praise and glory he deserves. That some of those enquiring about service in the Middle East will make a commitment to serve. For Kieran and Makenzie as they plan their wedding and that they will have a marriage centred on Christ. That Liam will get a co-op job for next semester. That Cara can be a testimony for Christ as she serves as a residence don. That we can maintain productive online relationships with our colleagues, despite the long period without face-to-face time.