Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - February 2021

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM)    PRAISE:  That Andrea has been able to start her coaching course. The original course was cancelled but she was able to join an alternate one. Phil continues to have opportunities to help leadership teams undergo strategic reviews of their ministry plans to ensure relevance in the current context. That a new colleague headed to the Middle East who had been delayed by COVID travel restrictions has been granted a visa and will hopefully arrive this month. For the opportunity to participate in the SERVE virtual missions conference and for the many enquirers who connected with SIM. That despite being in lockdown Liam and Cara's co-op jobs are proceeding, although Liam's has only been part-time. That the active cases of COVID have reduced significantly for our region.  PRAY:  For Phil and other global leaders as they prepare for and participate in Board meetings later this month. For 4 people who are considering service in the Middle East that God will provide clear direction if this where he would have them. That the enquirers who connected with SIM at the SERVE conference will have clear direction regarding next steps. For Kieran & Mackenzie as they look for a place to live. For Liam to find another co-op job for May through August. 

Trevor & Hannah - January 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For an enjoyable winter break despite being in lockdown, highlighted by seeing lots of Christmas lights. For God providing some needed financial support in December. PRAY: For God's help and guidance as Trevor leads a project to figure out which discipleship resources our ministry should be using in this season. For knowing how to best minister to students amidst the pandemic.

Russ & Meredith - January 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change) PRAISE: Heath's skin issues are doing better. A meaningful time together as a family for the Christmas break. Many good connections with non-believing neighbors. PRAY: For a smooth transition to serving the Lausanne Movement in building a digital transformation roadmap. For grace in continuing to navigate a conversation with the person living in our home in the US that lost their job and is struggling to pay rent. For more opportunities to have spiritual conversations with the non-believers at our condo complex.

Gord & Heather - January 2021

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE:  Peter and Deborah Johnson arrived in Toronto on December 1 to begin church planting among Nigerians and other West Africans there. They have completed their time of quarantine and are ready to get started during the lockdown. Initially their focus will be on social media ministry. They need to find permanent housing by February 1.  PRAY:  Please pray that Peter and Deborah will find strategically suitable accommodations. Indy is still in Burma. Pray that he would be able to accomplish the purpose for which he is there and that the Lord would protect his family here in Canada. We are planning a zoom call with national church network leaders from 15 countries on January 28. Pray that this would become an encouragement to all and that the Spirit of God would lead us during this conversation.

Charlotte Martin - January 2021

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: I had a restful and relaxing Christmas break. We received sweet messages, videos and pictures from the students who received a global missions box in December. The students we heard from seemed to be blessed and inspired by these boxes. PRAY: Pray for our team as we reimagine how to run mission trips for students in 2021. We hope to know what opportunities we will invite students to participate in by the end of January. Pray for me as I lead the global missions team. I desire to grow in my leadership skills and in prayer this year.