Praise & Prayer

Esther Frey - December 2020

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: About 30 attended our outdoor film presentation. The gospel was clearly presented. Several unsaved were present. We keep praying for them. We had a great time of singing and testimonies Thanksgiving Day. Also thanks to all of you for supporting me these 55 years! PRAY: Prisoners have tested positive for the COVID-virus. We have a large percentage of cases islandwide. We need wisdom as we move about. We want to present another film outdoors this month.

Jenn Brubacher - December 2020

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: It seems I blinked and missed November! It went by quickly. I continue to be thankful for the creativity and wisdom God has given me in this season as we connect with students in various ways. This month I had the chance to share my story at a youth group in Kitchener. The Work Friends podcast has officially launched and we’ve been having a steady turn out at our programs. PRAY: Listowel has been fairly insulated until now as covid hits the community hard. This means more isolation, more loneliness and more anxiety and fear. The adrenaline of this season has long worn off so please, join with me in praying for the teachers and staff at the high schools as they teach both in person and online, now with this added pressure. Pray for cohorts of students who have to isolate themselves and for the overall mental and physical health of everyone. Jesus remains our hope. In the midst of great discouragement, please pray for opportunities to speak directly about the hope of Christ.

Phil & Andrea - December 2020

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For a good time of interaction on a SIM Canada webinar about "What do missionaries do... and why?" For continued health despite rising COVID case numbers around us. For a good virtual SIM leaders forum with almost 100 leaders present from around the world to engage on various topics. That Cara has a co-op job. PRAY: For wisdom for Phil as he assists our International Director in a process of refreshing SIM's Core Values. For wisdom as we connect with different people in our part of Canada as they explore possibilities, or prepare for ministry with SIM. For wisdom as we and our kids strive to be wise in our interactions in light of COVID restrictions. That Kieran's MRI on Dec 6 will provide a conclusive diagnosis. For Liam and Cara as they complete papers and assignments at the end of the semester.

Robert & Susan - November 2020

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: G is doing well as he adjusts to living out of prison after 44 yrs inside. My weekly visits back into one institution are going well as we find the pattern with the new restrictions. PRAY: J is fearful for his life as a letter from a family member with information that is frowned upon got into the hands of another inmate with the same last name as his. Please pray for God’s protection. M,J,L,C are very discouraged as a decision by a chaplain has restricted their participation in chapel activities. We pray that more institutions will begin allowing volunteers access to visit with the guys in the chapels utilizing safe precautions. The men need this interaction as well as their greater need for the gospel and spiritual encouragement.

Trevor & Hannah - November 2020

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For 6 Non-Christians involved with our Online Alpha for UW, Laurier and Guelph. For Trevor & Amelia recovering from colds they had around Thanksgiving. PRAY: For the leadership selection process at Waterloo as we are deciding on which leaders to choose for next semester. For a Leadership Webinar that we are running for our students on November 1. It will be a panel with 4 Key Student Leaders and our National Director. We are also planning to launch an online community following the event on Discord (a communication platform). For God's provision as we seek to raise some more support in the coming weeks and months.