Praise & Prayer

Russ & Meredith - November 2020

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change) PRAISE: 1,088 participants from 141 cities in 29 countries worked on projects to bring the gospel to the unreached during our #HACK2020 event. Many good conversations and deepening relationships with non-believers at our condo complex. Minimal COVID cases being reported in Singapore. PRAY: For skin and allergy issues/challenges that continue to fester with our youngest, Heath (4). For grace in continuing to navigate a conversation with the person living in our home in the US that lost their job and is struggling to pay rent. For more opportunities to have spiritual conversations with the non-believers at our condo complex.

Gord & Heather - November 2020

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries) PRAISE: Our friend Indy is still stuck in Burma due to Covid-19 restrictions. Please pray that he would be able to accomplish the purposes that God has for him there, for the safety and well-being of his family in Winnipeg and for his safe return. Vision ministries Kenya. This week, Doug Loveday, David Ralph and myself pre-recorded video teaching messages for the Kenyan conferences to take place in five regions in November and December. People from Kenya will be teaching six of the 10 sessions in each region. Please pray that these regional conferences will bear fruit for the Kingdom. Farsi Christian ministries. We are slowly developing a network of Farsi church leaders from around the world. It's quite exciting to hear them talk about their ministries in Turkey, Georgia, the US and other European countries. Please pray that we would be able to establish this network in a healthy positive way.

Charlotte Martin - November 2020

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: Our DR team was approved to send and arrived in-country Oct 25/26th. Our global missions team is coming up with some creative ideas to help students care about missions. PRAY: My team has a few days of extended meetings early Nov. Pray for fun, productive, and community building meetings. We're hosting an online missions night Nov 29th and then mailing 50 "mission boxes" to students early Dec. Pray that students would participate and be inspired to pray for unreached people groups and care about missions. Last Nov was busy and had some unexpected stressors/challenges. This November is looking to also be busy and my heart feels unsettled from what happened last year. Pray that I would trust God and allow him to carry me through this month.

Les & Sharon - November 2020

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church) PRAISE: Good health and lots to do. Started WBC Seniors group, going well! Began organizing marriage mentoring ministry at WBC. PRAY: Pray for the matching up of 13 young couples with mature ones for marriage mentoring at WBC. Pray for several good Spanish contacts we have, some by Internet and others in person. Les has several commitments to do music, one at Gorrie and another at WBC .

Esther Frey - November 2020

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Five young people accepted the Lord, 4 present in a meeting and 1 via zoom meeting. PRAY: We are planning a movie presentation in our church parking lot Nov. 7. Please pray for good attendance and no rain. Also that people will be convicted of sin. Pray for our elections Nov. 3. We also hope to have a Thanksgiving service Nov. 26 finishing off with some snacks on tables in the parking lot.