Praise & Prayer

Jenn Brubacher - October 2020

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: This month I have been busy planning, organizing and reinventing programs to fit the necessary precautions; I am very excited for what’s to come. We had our first drop-in since the pandemic began and 20 students came! Although school sports are cancelled, we are able to play volleyball with students at the new sports facility in town. I’m also looking forward to the Youth Unlimited/YFC Work Friends podcast, the new fitness program starting next month and creating new spaces to connect with students. From now until January, I will be supervising our high school co-op student, Cole. God continues to remind me that He’s the One who multiples the little I have, and so I pray all of these things would be His. All for His glory in His kingdom in His way!   PRAY: The amount of stress students are experiencing is mind-boggling. Mental health issues are on the rise and students are having a difficult time adjusting to this new normal. Please pray for peace and opportunities to support students well and to share the good news of the Gospel. They are longing for connection and we need wisdom, discernment and guidance in how to do this effectively and safely. Father, prepare the hearts of the students of North Perth to experience Your gift of salvation. May they be made new in Your image, filled with Your hope and find comfort in Your presence.

Phil & Andrea - October 2020 Update

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Ghana, Africa; SIM)    PRAISE:  That our kids have settled into new accommodations. That the SIM International Board of Governors meetings went well. That a major system component of the Ministry Focus Initiative that Phil is leading went live October 1. That at our fiscal year end God provided for our financial support needs for the year.  PRAY:  For ongoing healing for Kieran's ankle sprain/cartilage chip. For Phil to have space to do some concerted work on other aspects of Ministry Focus. For wisdom for Andrea as reviews/evaluates her first six months in her International Personnel Development Lead role and plans for the months ahead. That as we interact with leaders and leadership teams that we can be an encouragement to them. Many are tired as they serve in challenging ministry environments that are even more challenging due to COVID-19.

Jenn Brubacher - September 2020

He Is With Us

One day Moses said to the LORD, "You have been telling me, 'Take these people up to the Promised Land.' But you haven't told me whom you will send with me. You have told me, 'I know you by name, and I look favourably on you.' If it is true that you look favourably on me, let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favour. And remember that this nation is your very own people."
- Exodus 33:12-13

Moses asks two important questions here:
#1 Who's going to go with me?
#2 Let me know your ways

God's response?

"I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest..." (v. 14)

God's answer is His presence.

When I ask God what's next in ministry and for me personally, more often than not He responds, "I am with you."
I don't know about you, but I love a good game plan. I like to know what's next, what's expected of me and how I'm going to accomplish the tasks at hand. As you can assume, this season of unknowns and breaking through uncharted territory is not always conducive to a "good game plan". 

Time and time again, the Lord reminds me that I have everything I need--Himself. 
In every season, we can know and be known by the One who is with us. Praise God!

Here's What I'm Celebrating!

The summer has been full of ups and downs. Here's what I'm celebrating:

  • Activities like Outdoor Movie Nights, Art in the Park and Workouts in the Park with person! 

  • GREAT turn out at our Tour For Teens fundraiser in June

  • An amazing time at my spiritual retreat

  • Supervising our summer student, Anne, was a gift

Praise God for His provision and care! I am thankful for the new ways we were able to connect with students and for upcoming opportunities in the fall.

The Work Friends podcast is coming soon! Ainsley and I are excited about this new endeavour as we seek to bring conversations, people and their wisdom to you. 

What's Next?

Here are some things I will be focusing on in the fall: 

  • NEW weekly Fitness Program 

  • NEW Work Friends podcast (shown above)

  • Volleyball at our local sports facility 

  • Drop-in events 

  • Creating more times to meet and mentor students one-on-one

Change is inevitable in this coming season so please, join with me in praying for more meaningful relationships with students. Pray for the staff and teachers at our local schools and peace and guidance as we continue to seek Jesus. 


This season has been difficult for various reasons. As I look ahead at what's to come, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for journeying and walking alongside me in this call God has given me to invest in youth. The stories and new things that are happening is a testament to God's provision and faithfulness; you are included in that. 

I hope and pray you are encouraged. 

If you would like to partner with me in sharing the good news of the Gospel with youth in North Perth, you can do so by clicking the 'donate' button below and of course, by praying for me and the rest of the team.

All For His Glory,

Phil & Andrea - September 2020 Update


  • For improvement for Kieran's badly sprained ankle.

  • For a colleague who was ministering in the Middle East who has been able to make it back to their passport country after many delays.

  • That Phil's sermon on Sep 6th went well.

  • That the SIM International Board meetings are progressing well - albeit virtually.

  • For providing Liam with a promise of employment for his 8-month co-op placement starting in January. The employer is the one that had to cancel his May-Aug placement.

  • That we finally received a comfy sofa on which to sit and relax - now to hang some pictures.


  • For ongoing healing for Kieran's ankle.

  • For Liam and Cara as they get into the routine of online courses.

  • For guidance for Andrea as she meets with people who are being mentored in the personnel mentoring program to see how it's helping and how it could be improved.

  • For wisdom for Andrea to know how to equip and support new personnel coordinators.

  • For Phil and several colleagues as they assess and plan the training needs related to the Ministry Focus Initiative that Phil is leading.

    Thanks for praying for us,
    Phil & Andrea

Russ & Meredith - Prayer request


Pray for Heath's health

Dear WBC Friends,

Would you join me in praying for Heath, our 4 year old?

The long of the short of it is over the past 5 weeks he's had multipule skin flares issues, covering almost his whole body, including his scalp. He's uncomfortable and tired. And, although I've given it my best efforts (with years of experience of treating his skin issues), he/we just cannot seem to catch a break. 

We'll see his allergist on Tuesday. 

Your prayers are needed for patience while enganging with Heath while treating his skin. We don't want it to be a battle, but, much like itchy, painful skin would bother anyone, it triggers him to fight. 

Prayer for understanding the root cause of a 'new rash' that developed and persistance to treat it properly. We are unsure if he is reacting to swimming pool cholorine/new bathing suit fabric, new laundry detergent, the regualr foods we eat or his immunotherapy treatment. The constant guessing is tiring. 

Please pray for Heath to sleep deeply, for will power to use other methods to calm the itch, and for him to know God's love even amongst his constant discomfort.

Thanks for journeying along,
