Praise & Prayer

Robert & Susan - August 2020

PRAISE:  G was granted day parole to a halfway house after 44 years in prison. Pray that he will trust God for the ability to navigate this huge adjustment.  B and S are remaining positive and patient as they are held back from temporary parole due to Covid.  Chaplains have been back into the Inst. for 2 weeks.  PRAY:  M is battling with strong cultural pressure and yet seeking to honour God and parents.  Pray that we will be allowed access to the institutions soon and that new guidelines will be safe and yet not too restrictive. S is facing a transfer to a different institution and has potential “incompatibles”.  He wants to avoid any conflict as he seeks to honour the Lord Jesus.

Gord & Heather - August 2020

PRAISE:  Pastor Siamak from Spirit of Truth church in Toronto now has a network of 25-40 Persian leaders he is talking with every 2nd Friday on Zoom. They are leaders of churches and ministries. He is trying to cultivate encouraging and supportive relationships of trust among the leaders of this low trust culture.  PRAY:  You remember I was in Burma/Myanmar in  March with Indy. He is still stuck there because of the  lockdown. His  family is in Winnipeg. Pray for his safety (it’s a dangerous place politically), his critical work there and for his  safe return to Canada.

Ray & Carol - August 2020

PRAISE:  Despite Covid19 we're staying well and able to minister in various places. There is still a great need and desire for the Word of God. I recently visited an assembly in person and plan to do that where I feel it is safe for me to do so. Our nephew in England has recovered from Covid.  PRAY:  For safety, particularly as I travel to some ministry opportunities.  My sister in England has been told that she has breast cancer and of course we are very concerned for her. Our son Gareth and his family live in Arizona, which appears to be a 'hotspot' for Covid.

Les & Sharon - August 2020

PRAISE:  We are thankful for health and ministry by phone, Internet and texts.  We thank the Lord for effectiveness in Spanish and English contacts and also for our family abroad being active for the Lord.   PRAY:  Our 50th anniversary celebration for this month is postponed to next summer, Lord willing, as family was unable to come. God knows!  Pray for wisdom for the many contacts in Spanish we have. They are God-appointed and all need the Lord, mostly unsaved.  Some marriage mentoring opportunities that we have.

Esther Frey - August 2020

PRAISE:  Our camp administrator has decided to stay on longer than his notification. PTL. They were able to put a new motor in the camp pick-up truck. I'm so thankful I was spared from going to emergency in a recent problem with dizziness and vomiting. I'll begin therapy to help this situation and imbalance August 11. God's protection during the tropical storm. My neighbor helped me with his generator - an extension across the street!!  PRAY:  Camp Ministry. Future helpers. Electricity system island wide. We are not prepared for another hurricane.  Many had no power during this last storm, including me for 4 days. Some are still waiting. Schools begin this month - the question is how? Have fallen behind in office work. Help to get up to date. Several older sisters have gone to be with the Lord. Pray for families who have lost a member.