Praise & Prayer

Russ & Meredith - March 2020

PRAISE: We have confirmed a suitable venue for the #DigitalMissions Summit in Singapore in August. Some really good follow-up from some indigenous believers in Japan regarding new digital outreach opportunities. Good specialist care for Gwenyth with some stomach issues.  PRAY:  Wisdom in guiding our son Wyatt with some socialization challenges at school. For good health amongst the Covid19 outbreak which has affected many Asian countries.  For quality speakers to be confirmed for the #DigitalMissions Summit in August

Robert & Susan - March 2020

RAISE: For the continued access to the institutions.  Ongoing support from all the chaplains. Just completed another session of Love & Respect. There was much scepticism at the first session over too much Bible content but by the last evening together many were openly participating and expressing gratefulness for this perspective and were surprisingly appreciative and positive of the content and want their wives to have access to it as well.  PRAY:  K is ashamed and deeply remorseful for the pain and loss that he has caused his family.  He is a Christian, pray that his family will be overcomers and that he will experience God’s forgiveness and humbly move forward in his relationship with the Lord Jesus.  Pray that we will know Godly wisdom and power from the Holy Spirit to shine the light of Gospel into dark places and support and encourage Christians who live in close quarters with evil.

Gord & Heather - March 2020

PRAY:  God willing, I will be going to Myanmar (also called Burma) from March 5-18. Since 2007, I have become quite close to a man from Myanmar named Indy (lives in Winnipeg).  He is eager for me to accompany him in visiting his people and the churches that he has been supporting “back home”. The Christians from his state have been badly treated by the government. I am hoping to understand them, encourage them and provide some leadership training while I am there. Please pray for safety, health and Holy Spirit guidance and enablement.

Charlotte Martin - March 2020

PRAISE:  Almost all of the summer mission trip applications have been processed.  My team is adjusting well to the resignation of our leader, and it's going well as I step in as the interim Global Missions Director.  I sense God sustaining me and giving me joy both at work and in my personal life. PRAY:  Our mission trip numbers are extremely low this year, we've already had to redirect one mission trip and we are considering if there are more trips we should cancel or combine.  Pray from my team as we re-evaluate our future direction and as we wait for a new team leader. Pray from me as I consider stepping into the Global Missions Director role. We also have very few applying to be international interns next year. Pray that we would know what God's will is regarding sending STINT teams for 2020-2021.

Les & Sharon - March 2020

PRAISE:  Thankful for health and open doors for ministry.  Thankful for prayers through recent difficult situations.  PRAY:  For the three Seniors bibles studies . In several there are a few unsaved.  For the two Sundays, March 1 and 15 Les speaks at the Spanish church in Kitchener. Also at Chartwell the 22 nd.  Pray for pastoral visits as well as several couples we are mentoring.