Praise & Prayer

Esther Frey - February 2020

PRAISE:  Earthquakes but no loss of people. Twelve teens enjoyed their one day retreat at the camp. Two of us are able to keep up with the office work.  A ladies group of 50 has decided to study our Emmaus course on The Lord's Supper and Baptism. I had the opportunity of taking a seminar on sexual abuse.  A new baby was born into our church family. PRAY:  Much wisdom needed as to how to help the families without homes.  Because of the earthquakes the campaign to the prisons had to be cancelled.  Several prisons are in the affected area and prisoners had to be transferred to other facilities.  All schools had to be inspected and many children are just getting back to school. I need to prepare two classes on trauma healing before I can become a facilitator.  This is so needed right now in Puerto Rico. Continue to pray for our cancer patients. Another sister just had back surgery.

Phil & Andrea - February 2020

PRAISE:  For continued wisdom as we consider location options for our ministry roles going forward; for safe travel to the UK; for a good time connecting with our mentors; for a great final module of our Integrated Mission Leadership Course.  PRAY:  That we will have good connections with family, friends and supporters in the UK; that Andrea can have quality time with both Stephen and Helen, the people she reports to; as Phil spends time with Keith and continues his transition into Keith’s current role; that the Directors retreat we are helping plan February 23-28 will be a blessing for all who attend.

Conestoga Bible Camp (Terry Reugg) - January 2020

PRAISE:  We had a wonderful response to year end giving which enables to finish in a good position. The repairs to the basement and boys washroom are nearly done, in time for winter rentals. Camp has been blessed to see so much support from our community!  PRAY:  For Terry to recover well from a ruptured cyst in his stomach.  He had emergency surgery on January 1 - a follow up surgery is yet to be scheduled.  Tim & Rose have announced their 'retirement' from Camp - timeline is looking towards mid-2020. Zach Barriage will be our Camp Director this summer - pray for him as he leads the Admin and Pastoral Team through the summer months. Fundraising is underway for our Septic/Pavillion plan - Phase 1 of keeping Camp going. Without these approvals and funds we will not be able to run camp. Terry will be focusing on these ongoing projects. Lots of prayer needed - wisdom, provision, and programming! How exciting!

Trevor & Hannah - January 2020

PRAISE:  That Trevor has been able to gradually return to work; For a wonderful winter conference with a few hundred students in Toronto and that many students were inspired to help reach their campus for Christ and also to consider mission trips.  PRAY:  For wisdom for Trevor as he navigates finding a more permanent role, quite possibly more administrative and operational than before.  For Hannah as she starts discipling some different girls this semester (her 3 disciples from last semester are all going on co-op placements).

Russ & Meredith - January 2020

PRAISE:  We have moved to the west side of the island and are within walking distance to the school. Excellent collaboration meetings in Tokyo ahead of the 2020 Olympics.  We enjoyed a nice, quiet, Christmas together as a family. PRAY:  That we establish good relationships with neighbors at our new flat. For effective collaboration across organizations as Russ will travel to Japan again for Tokyo 2020 preparations. For effective treatment as Gwenyth and Meredith undergo chiropractic care for back issues.