Praise & Prayer

Raul & Jessenia - January 2020

PRAISE:  For a good Christmas season with our church family and refreshing rest and time with friends. We were very pleased with how many youth joined us for the congregational Christmas services. The school Christmas party went very well. Pregnancy is going smoothly.  PRAY:  For the last month of school where we will be busy tying up the end of the school year while at the same time preparing to return to Canada for the remainder of the pregnancy. For wisdom in planning our trip back to Canada for the baby’s birth and that we can leave our responsibilities in good hands. For Raul as he prepares for a week of camp as director. For the preparations of the Wallenstein group who will be joining us for a week of camp in March.

Jenn Brubacher - January 2020

PRAISE: I had great mentoring times this month; I continue to be encouraged as I walk alongside several students and hear how God is challenging and teaching them. We took a group of 15 students to Reapers of Hope in Moorefield for our December service trip. In January we will be taking 10 students to Toronto to learn about homelessness through MCC’s TOOLS program. PRAY: Christmas is a difficult time for many students. Pray for physical safety, peace and hope that is only found in Christ.

Phil & Andrea - January 2020

PRAISE:  For clarity regarding our future roles; that Cara has adjusted well to life in Canada and had a successful first semester; for safe travel and good visits on our recent trip to the Middle East and Asia; that Liam has enjoyed his co-op job in the ecology lab at the university.  PRAY:  For wisdom regarding where we should live; for wisdom as Phil transitions into a new role; for wisdom for Kieran as he continues to consider next steps; for safety in travel and good connections with people in the UK (Jan 22-Feb 22); that the Directors' Retreat will be of benefit to all that attend. (Feb 23-28).

Jenn Brubacher - December 2019

PRAISE: I had numerous speaking engagements this month, one of them being at Youth For Christ in Waterloo-Oxford. I am thankful and humbled for the opportunities to share God’s grace and truth with high school students. Volleyball season has officially begun and we have our senior girls team! It is a gift to coach a sport I love, and I’m reminded of the honour it is to have a voice in these athletes lives. PRAYER: Please pray for opportunities to share the truth, hope and life of Jesus with our volleyball team, especially with the five returning students. These students are extremely open to have conversations about faith, pain they’ve experienced and questions they have about life in general. We need wisdom!

Trevor & Hannah - December 2019

PRAISE: For a successful "Jesus Week" outreach at U of Waterloo where we partnered with other Christian groups to start spiritual conversations pointing towards Jesus. For two of Hannah's disciples, Katherine and Anastasia, who are learning to live by the Spirit. That Trevor is able to now start work again part-time. PRAY: For students as they head into their December exams. For the Lord's leading as Trevor discerns what his next ministry opportunity should be.