Praise & Prayer

Russ & Meredith - December 2019

PRAISE: Russ' employment pass was renewed. Our offer on a rental flat within walking distance to the kids' school was accepted. 2 new supporters in Singapore joined our team. PRAY: All the details would come together for our move to the west side of the city and that we would get our deposit back. For Russ travelling to Japan to make preparations for outreach during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Good spiritual conversations with friends and neighbors during Christmas.

Robert & Susan - December 2019

PRAISE:  L had surgery to have a benign growth removed on the back of his leg - he rejoices in the good recovery as health care is not optimum in prison.  C had double bypass surgery 2 weeks ago and is doing well - his parole hearing is mid-December. N is scheduled to have a knee replacement which can be difficult to have happen when you are serving time.  PRAY:  W has stage 4 brain cancer which was discovered several months ago. He is optimistic in spite of the doctors not giving him much hope.  His faith in Jesus Christ is sustaining him and giving him peace. It is amazing to observe. J has had extensive time in a local hospital and is doing well both spiritually and physically.

Gord & Heather - December 2019

PRAISE/PRAY: I am thank you for a very good weekend in Ottawa. On Saturday morning (November 23) I had breakfast with 14 church leaders and pastors. It was a good opportunity to encourage them and further build our relationships. Of course Heather and I also enjoyed great time with our son Chad, Amelie and their 4 year old daughter Eva. At VMC we are in the process of deciding about bringing a Nigerian church planter to Toronto to plant a new church among Nigerians there. Please pray for guidance for us, we've never considered anything like this before.

Charlotte Martin - December 2019

PRAISE:  All of my November events went well. The mission trip directors have been launched into their planning, our team had a great few days meeting together and I enjoyed connecting with students at the University of Windsor.  Students have started applying for mission trips. PRAY:  A few weeks ago my supervisor had a mental health crisis and he had to take 2 weeks off. This added extra responsibilities to my plate for a few intense weeks. In December I hope to take a few days off.  Pray for rest and refreshment. Our annual conference in December currently has low student registration and it's a concern that it will run a high deficit. Pray that 900 more students would register for the conference. More than the money though, we want students to attend the conference because it is an opportunity for spiritual growth.

Les & Sharon - December 2019

PRAISE: Thankfully Les's cold spell is over. Seniors have enjoyed the study groups with several new ones out (only one cancellation for cold). Several good Spanish contacts and visits. Good optometrist's report on checkup for Les. PRAY: For year- ending Senior studies with the four groups, emphasizing Christmas with added carol singing. Les' friend Theo (puppet) as he has some events to speak at. For our involvement and visits with Spanish speaking contacts.