Praise & Prayer

Esther Frey - December 2019

PRAISE: I got my driver's license November 20. When I get the green card I have to go back to get an update. PTL. Thanks for praying. Two ladies were baptized November 23. Then we celebrate Thanksgiving in an early service followed by breakfast. Repairs have been made to the carport roof and the inside walls painted that were affected by a leak. PRAY: That as we share the reason for Christ's first coming, people will respond to the message. Continue to remember our three sisters with cancer. Our Argentinian missionaries return from the States December 11. May the Lord continue to provide for their needs.

Phil & Andrea - December 2019

PRAISE:  Good trip to the Middle East and Asia.  Great to connect face to face with colleagues.  That each of our kids are doing well. PRAY:  For good times with another middle east team.  That Phil's time with missional business leaders would be productive.  For safe travel. For a refreshing Christmas season together with family.

Trevor & Hannah - November 2019

PRAISE: University of Waterloo students are engaging their peers in spiritual conversations this week during 'Jesus week '. PRAY: For wisdom for Trevor to know what role to take as he returns to work. Wisdom and discernment for new leaders at the University of Waterloo and Conestoga College because current leaders are going off on co-op. Students would be open to going on mission trips this summer and during their reading break.

Russ & Meredith - November 2019

PRAISE: Participants from 5 of the most unreached countries gathered to make media content more accessible and offer visitors clear next steps to discover Jesus;  Hackathons that happened in 25 cities in October; Our kids' skin challenges are stable. PRAY:  For speedy renewal of Russ' employment pass;  God would provide a new flat as we seek to move to the west side of the city in January;  That God would provide new supporters as we build our support team in Singapore.

Gord & heather - November 2019

PRAISE: We are grateful that 35 VMC-related people were able to attend the church planting Canada event in Montréal last week. This has always been an event that sparks relationships, encouragement and opportunity for church planting. Just now I am in dialogue with three people; one from India, one from Nigeria and one from Eritrea. All three are eager to plant churches in Canada. On November 11 I will be meeting with five men, each of whom are leading a network of immigrant churches. Please pray that the Spirit of God would guide us in our conversation on that day. Also pray that we would be able to find people who will be willing to shoulder some of my own responsibilities in days to come.