Praise & Prayer

Charlotte Martin - November 2019

PRAISE: We have almost confirmed all of our mission trip leaders for 2020. We are sending 3 new mission trips next year in addition to 4 returning mission trips. I am excited to be leading one of the 6 week mission trips next May/June. I have a new teammate who is helping me with logistics and operations. This has been a blessing! I've been enjoying mentoring some staff women and one student this semester. PRAY: A few of the women I mentor are figuring out what it means to live out their Christianity. Pray that I would guide them well. Pray for wisdom as students begin to apply for mission trips and we begin to process the applications. Ask that God would help us know who are the right students to accept on our mission trips. Pray for our team as we have in person meetings November 6-7. Pray that we would have a unified sense of where God is leading us as a global missions team.

Ray & Carol - November 2019

PRAISE: Not much change from last month, or any month these days! Just thankful for the Lord's love, grace and sufficiency to keep serving Him. What a privilege! Despite the sadness, it was a joy and privilege to be part of Clayt's service. It was a blessing to share the ministry with Jeff and Les. So thankful the team at WBC. PRAY: I'm looking forward to visiting our son, Gareth in Arizona next month, Lord willing. Please pray for all that involves; for Carol here, for good opportunities to share the gospel, for opportunities to encourage believers there, as the Lord leads. Nov. 1-2 is another Committing to Faithful Men at Guelph Bible Conference Centre. Please continue to pray for these young men that the Lord will use these times help them to minister within and from their local assemblies.

Les & Sharon - November 2019

PRAISE:  Good attendance and interest in the three Senior groups which I enjoy doing, playing hymns and Bible study. (Chartwell, St Jacobs Place and Laurelwood).  Safe trip to Bancroft L'Amable chapel. Ministry appreciated! Several opportunities for stories with Teo. PRAY:  Speaking in Nov. one Sunday in English and several in Spanish.  Pray for the Pastoral care team (Wayne, Rick, Diane, Kayla and Les) as we seek to meet congregational needs. That our health will be good to be able to be around Seniors a lot.

Esther Frey - November 2019

PRAISE: October. 31 is my fingerprinting and photo taking day at Immigration. This came in a month!!! Then we'll see how long after to get the green card. Church family has been great in giving me transportation. Got a lovely note from an inmate "I am a seed sown by Emmaus" Praise God. New people are coming to the meetings and one has asked for baptism. PRAY: Almost every family in the chapel has some physical situation. Need much prayer and encouragement. Still many on the island needing homes. Mikey's operation went well, but pray for a spiritual recovery. Continue to pray for my license renewal (depends on the green card).

Raul & Jessenia - November 2019

 Praise: That the political problems have calmed down for the time being. That we were able to go on an outing with the youth to a pool and enjoy a really good day with them. That the youth leaders continue strong and ever growing in their faith. For good conversations in the "Good Decisions" workshops with the Junior High girls every Tuesday. That the computer lab is fully funded!  PRAY:: For strength for our youth who have the desire to follow Christ, but their families and the culture around them keep putting up barriers. We have a few youth who are not being allowed to come to youth because they didn't get good grades during last semester. Please pray that these parents would realize that coming to know Christ is of so much more value than numbers on a paper! For continued peace in Ecuador, as the government continues to debate the national budget.