Praise & Prayer

Russ & Meredith - October 2019

PRAISE: For safe travel and productive meetings for Russ in Manila; that the kids have adjusted well to their school including studying Chinese; for meaningful spiritual conversations with friends and neighbors. PRAY: For creative solutions and good partnerships at our Indigitous Hackathon in 41 cities on various weekends this month, Russ will attend Melbourne October 4-6; for God's provision as we focus on raising funds for some time-sensitive needs this month; for discernment as have completed membership classes and seek to officially join a local church in Singapore.

Robert & Susan - October 2019

PRAISE: We are completing an enthusiastic and well attended 6 week study in the book of James on October 3 at Collins Bay Min. At a chapel service last month I referred to the Mennonites and an individual has come forward seeking help and has opened up about his case. He has had business connections with them. PRAY: S. R. & M. have had successful professional careers and now are not fitting the inmate profile. They are considering Christianity and gospel message, pray that the Holy Spirit’s convicting will not be shrugged off. M. S. K. & J. are all lifers and beginning the steps of reintegration into society after 10+ years of incarceration. 2 of them attend church with us at Meadowbrook on 4 hr passes each week. J. was granted passes last week and K. has his hearing in November. Pray that they will make wise decisions and seek to honour the Lord Jesus as they patiently progress through the next 1-2 years. Please continue to pray for B. L. & S. that they will seek God’s will as they are back in their home areas, still on parole.

Gord & Heather - October 2019

PRAISE:  For the baptism of 75 Iranian people from Spirit of Truth church in Toronto - it was a time of great joy, clapping, singing, crying as one after another stepped into the waters of baptism!  PRAY:  Please pray for these people as they continue in the footsteps of Jesus. Often expectations of baptism are very high. Pray that their eagerness to follow will continue after the baptism. I am talking with three people just now are wanting to plant churches. There is always a great need for Holy Spirit guidance as we walk through these conversations. Please pray for them and for me.

Ray & Carol - October 2019

PRAISE: Five years after having cancer, chemotherapy and multiple follow ups, I have been told 'all clear, come back in five years!' No doubt the oncologist will want to continue periodic checks, but we are very thankful to the Lord and all who prayed for us. So we continue to serve the Lord as as before. We had a good summer at, and other ministry opportunities. Very thankful for our WBC family and looking forward to getting back to the Bible studies in Galatians. PRAY: Carol continues on much as before, but lives life at a fairly low level so need constant prayer. I am still happily busy with preaching,, studies, counselling and witnessing as the Lord leads. I do a lot of travelling so appreciate prayer for all involved. Our family has grown and we are now Great Grandparents!! Needless to say there are lots of prayer needs in this.