Praise & Prayer

Esther Frey - October 2019

PRAISE:  I arrived safely in San Juan.  God spared us from another hurricane.  Brian has done well in keeping the office work up to date.  We had a very encouraging 39th anniversary at the chapel. Such a great welcome back.  PRAY: I can't get my driver's license renewed until I get my green card renewed - this may take several months.  Brian has been my chofer but is leaving Oct. 15. Three in the congregation with serious cancer situations - Edelmira, Yoly, Ramonita.  Pray for Mikey who is not coming to the meetings. He is having some tumors removed near his lungs. His wife is very active in different ministries. 

Phil & Andrea - October 2019

PRAISE: For a good week at our integrated mission leadership course in the UK; for another good week with the leaders we are mentoring; for a good few days vacation with Kieran. PRAY: Wisdom as Andrea and Phil both present and participate at a personnel workshop; guidance for Andrea as she sets up a mentoring program for other personnel leaders; Cara adjusting to life at university and writing midterms; ongoing wisdom in our roles and for next steps.

Gord & Heather - September 2019

PRAISE: Doug Loveday and Ron Seabrooke have returned from a successful ministry trip to the western part of Kenya - I received a very positive report from Vision Ministries Kenya about the first leg of that trip. We are now connecting with about 50 immigrant churches in Canada, almost half of them are from Africa and most of those are from Eritrea and Ethiopia. So many of these brothers and sisters have come from places of violence and persecution. They have burning hearts for God. PRAY: September 13-14 The Spirit of Truth Church is having their annual retreat at a camp near Bracebridge. They are expecting about 150 people at this event which will include a huge baptism. We know that the prince of darkness will fight against this event and the people being baptized. Pray for their protection and spiritual vigour. This week about 150 Chin young people are having their first ever week-long youth camp at a camping facility near Ottawa. Ben Peltz from Peterborough is the speaker. Please pray for him and for these young people that their lives may be revolutionized by the work of the Holy Spirit. We know that they are very vulnerable. The camp will wrap up on Saturday noon. Pray for them as they return home that they will have the courage to walk with God wherever they go.

Charlotte Martin - September 2019

PRAISE: Our 6 international interns all received their financial funds, made it through orientation and are now incountry getting settled and started with ministry. The in-person global missions team meetings that I lead in August were a great time of team bonding, spiritual encouragement and productive conversations. Praise God for how he lead and directed during that time. PRAY: We are working to finalize the mission trips we will send next spring. Pray that God will provide staff to lead trips, and that we will know what locations and partnerships to send mission trips to. Our global missions team is growing and I have 2 new reports. Pray that I would lead these new teammates well. Continue to pray for the provision of more monthly financial support as I continue to raise support this fall.