Praise & Prayer

Russ & Meredith - August 2019

PRAISE: That Wyatt and Gwenyth start classes at an international school on August 13; that three new teammates from the Philippines that have onboarded very quickly and are providing much needed capacity; that trips to meet teams in India, Thailand and Indonesia were very well received, new indigenous digital missionary leaders are being trained and raised up. PRAY: For a good adjustment for the entire family as we start a new routine as school starts and witnessing opportunities with parents at school; for God's provision as we engage ministry partners to help fund our increased cost of living in Singapore and serving leaders in 26 countries across Asia; Russ travels to Orlando, Florida August 26-29 for meetings with his global team.

Robert & Susan - August 2019

PRAISE: B has been released to a halfway house and “taking it slow getting used to all the new rules”. S is also at a halfway house and must adjust to his new surroundings which will be a challenge. The new sessions of group Bible studies at CBI Medium are encouraging with good attendance and positive discussion. PRAY: D is afraid of dying as 4 of his close friends have passed away in the last month. He is at a halfway house with high levels of restrictions. P is also at a halfway house with health issues, no social skills, rejected by family and very lonely. He literally begs me to spend time with him. I have recently met several men of other faiths who are asking questions and want to meet to discuss their concerns. Pray that the love of Christ will shine through me and the message of the cross will be central and clear.

Charlotte Martin - August 2019

PRAISE: July was a "lighter" month for me so I was able to get to some things that often get neglected - reading, organizing, and emailing etc. As I've been preparing for team meetings and training in August, I sense God's leading and I want to be faithful to him. PRAY: For our 6 international interns as they finish raising their financial support and seek to be ready to go overseas in August; for our week of intern training (August 12-16) followed by 3.5 days of team meetings (August 18-21). Pray as I prepare trainings, lead spiritual practice times, and plan meeting content. I want to help my team led from a place of Spiritual transformation. Pray also as we seek God in making plans for "the way forward" in our global missions team.

Les & Sharon - August 2019

PRAISE: For great times with Spanish contacts and special visit from spiritual son, Dr.Javier Martin and family from Spain; that Sharon’s shoulder is much better; for a great meeting with an unknown cousin of Sharon and her sisters. PRAY: For ongoing contact with Michael and Melissa - pray for his salvation; for a planned visit from Ben and Elena and grandchildren from Iowa August 12-19- pray for refreshing family times; for Les as he speaks in Stratford August 11.

Esther Frey - August 2019

PRAISE: Camps were held for youth one week, and teens a second week. The Lord blessed. I have received a letter from MSC to take to OHIP which allows me up to 5 years absence from Canada without losing my OHIP. His love and care for me through His people. My missionary care team. PRAY: No DVBS was held at the chapel. Encouragement for the Christians during a great political upheaval on the island at this time. The governor had to resign - first time in the history of the island. We do not know the future, but we know Who holds the future. This is my last full month here. I have another eye injection on the 8th. To accomplish what needs to be done before leaving. A ladies missions tea party at Bridlegrove, Scarborough August 24.