Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - August 2019

PRAISE: That Cara enjoyed ReBoot, a re-entry retreat for third culture kids; for a refreshing week away at a cottage reading, relaxing and enjoying creation; that the kids could join us for a weekend at the cottage; for opportunities to share about the ministries we are involved in. PRAY: For Cara to either get some shifts or a new job; for Cara as she prepares for university; that Kieran will be able to find a good quality, affordable car; that Kieran & Liam would be able to secure accommodation starting September 1; for Phil as he preaches August 11 & 18; that Phil will have a productive week August 19-23 at the SIM Int'l office close to Charlotte NC; for continued guidance regarding our future location and ministry.

Russ & Meredith - July 2019

PRAISE: The project with 4 interns we hosted was a huge success with the completion of many projects (Meredith did a great job coordinating); for safe and productive meetings for Russ this past month in Manila, Addis, Bengaluru, God is raising up some energetic next generation leaders; for some down time this month to be together as a family after a season of heavy travel. PRAY: That all the preparations for our children starting school in August would come together (they will attend the 'west' campus); for Russ as helps onboard three new teammates in South East Asia, for good communication across cultural barriers; for deep rest after a busy 6 months adjusting to Singapore.

Robert & Susan - July 2019

PRAISE:  R is finding spiritual strength as he has been attending Alpha and able to connect with other Christians. B has been granted parole and hopes to be at the halfway house in 3 weeks.  Pray for contacts with other Christians. L is back home with his family. Pray for strength to walk in truth and faithfulness to the Lord Jesus. The Guardrails program was a great success at Collins Bay Medium. It sparked interest in many men; we 20 – 25 participants. PRAY: Senior inmates are battling cancer and have been given weeks to live. S, P, W, H are in their 70’s and 80’s. They will likely live out the rest of their days incarcerated and then die in prison…viewed as shameful. They know the gospel; pray that their faith would be real. Pray that Christian inmates would be faithful in their walk with the Lord and thereby make the gospel clear to fellow inmates and staff.

Charlotte Martin - July 2019

PRAISE: Our mission trips are all wrapped up. There were no major issues and each trip went well for the most part. Our East Asia mission trip saw a handful of students pray to receive Christ. I enjoyed the time I spent helping to debrief our DR mission trip in Spain. It was visionary for me to hear the stories of how God worked in both the Canadian and local students' lives. PRAY: In July and August our global missions leadership team will spend time individually seeking God and asking "what is the way forward for our global missions team?" Pray that I would prioritize spending time in prayer, study, and reading and that I would rightly discern what God is saying to me. Pray for God's provision as I continue to raise more monthly financial support.

Les & Sharon - July 2019

PRAISE:  Very active and fruitful June with lots of opportunities to speak publicly and privately. Two Seniors bible studies went well and are cancelled for summer.  Les' eyesight restored fully. Thanks for all who were concerned and prayed. PRAY:  We have a new contact in Spanish with a young couple with whom we have met three times. Pray for fruitful visits. On July 13 there is a Spanish speakers potluck to be held at which a Spiritual son of Les' who is an oncologist will be sharing his testimony. He will also do it in English at the WBC picnic. This is very special to us.  Also pray for needed refreshing times during July.