Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - June 2019

PRAISE:   For a good open house on May 19. It provided an opportunity to say goodbye to many different people; for a good start to the semester for Liam; that Cara has finished at Sahel and for a good graduation. We were privileged to be here in Niger with her; that a lot of our packing and sorting is done.  PRAY:  That the rest of our packing and sorting goes smoothly before we leave on June 5; that the various farewell events planned for our last few days will go well; for uneventful travel to Canada; for a good reunion with the boys and that we can quickly settle into life in Canada; for continued guidance regarding our future location.

Russ & Meredith - May 2019

PRAISE: Gwenyth and Heath's skin sensitivities seem to be doing well; for a great time of connection in South America with our global network of digital missionaries; for God's leading in us applying to an international school for the kids.  PRAY:  For our schooling application to be accepted; for the details to come together for an internship program Meredith will coordinate for two weeks in May; for the live-streaming and online engagement of contacts during a city-wide rally May 17-19 that Russ is helping give leadership to.

Robert & Susan - May 2019

PRAISE:  Rob has been granted day parole and now has opportunity to reconnect with his family; that we started another 6 week session of Love & Respect last night, the men showed above average interest and are eager to participate.  PRAY:  Paul is back in the halfway house in Kingston and he needs support to stay clear of his addictive behaviour and habits; Steve is declining in strength as cancer is getting the upper hand in his body. He is not clear in his spiritual standing, pray that he will humbly trust Christ for salvation. Stan has been released to a halfway house;  pray that he finds a job soon; he needs employment.

Gord & Heather - May 2019

PRAISE/PRAY: The Persian church in Toronto had a fantastic Easter Sunday Service with 360 people jammed in!  I am preparing to go to Kenya for 2 weeks of leadership training and board coaching with Dave Ralph of Brant Community Church, May 14-28. There is a lot of preparation work to do. Please pray!!  On May 10th I will speak and interact with a group of 10-12 Eritrean pastors. Lots of wisdom needed. Please pray.

Charlotte Martin - May 2019

PRAISE:  This week we are sending out 5 mission trips - 3 international, 2 national. There are around 75 students participating in these mission trip experiences. Praise God for helping all the details to come together for these trips and for providing all the funds needed for the students.  We added a new person/position to our team - our team will now oversee interns who want to serve with our ministry here in Canada not only interns who serve internationally. PRAY:  For the 5 summer mission trips - that these trips would accomplish what God desires, that seeds of the gospel would be planted in the hearts of many people and that the Canadian students who go on these trips would come home changed. Pray also for health, and safety.  For the next 6 months I will be doing personal fundraising. I'm trusting God to provide me with new financial partners who will partner with me in the ministry God has called me too.